Computer terminology. Central process unit, which is often referred to as the core part of the computer chip. It is responsible for the scheduling and operation of the entire computer. |
Computer terminology. Graphics process unit, which is often referred to as the core part of a graphics card. It is responsible for the conversion of digital signals to image analog signals, while modern GPUs can be used for computational acceleration of deep learning models for artificial intelligence. |
Computer terminology. Random access memory, which is often referred to as a kind of memory. It can be accessed efficiently, but cannot save data after a power failure. |
pip |
Computer terminology. A build-in package manager for the Python, used to install SoCube V1.0. |
docker |
Computer terminology. A technology that isolates application software and its dependent software environment from the physical machine. |
Computer terminology. Simple mail transfer protocol, a mail service by which mail providers allow operations from third-party mail clients by supporting the protocol. |
scRNA-seq |
Bioinformatics terminology. Single-cell RNA sequencing. which is used to detect the expression of genes in a single cell. |
Artificial intelligence terminology. Convolutional neural network, one of the most common types of artificial intelligence models for image-like data. SoCube uses CNNs to build its models. |
Computer terminology. Windows subsystem linux, the linux subsystem developed by Microsoft, similar to the virtual machines provided by third parties such as VMare. |