
2.1 Hardware

SoCube's hardware development environment is based on the XII Gen Intel I7-12700F CPU and the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 GPU. SoCube is theoretically capable of running on any device that can run Python and PyTorch. The recommended hardware runtime environment is as follows:

  • RAM capacity of not less than 8GB
  • CPU core number not less than 6 cores
  • NVIDIA discrete graphics card with CUDA acceleration and no less than 4GB of video memory

2.2 Software

SoCube is written in Python v3.8, and Visual Studio Code v1.68.1 is used as the code writing tool. The development OS is Windows 11. SoCube supports use in any software environment that can run Python and PyTorch. The recommended software runtime environment is as follows:

  • OS: Windows 10/11, Linux CentOS 7/8, Mac OS
  • Python: v3.7 and above
  • PyTorch: v1.8.1 and higher GPU versions

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